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My Experiences Channeling Mother Earth, Remembering and Healing Past Lives and Embracing the Divine

I had some extremely profound and awakening experiences at the first Sagittarius Full Moon this year. At the Taurus New Moon I had set the intention to really develop an understanding of who I was, my purpose on Earth and my past lives. Taurus being so much about the Earth, I asked to understand my connection to the Earth. It’s a connection which has always been extremely strong, but seemed so complex and mysterious, interwoven through the untouchable threads of my being, tied up in imagery, intuition and feeling. I’ve always resonated with Paganism, Native American culture and other indigenous belief systems, and by acquainting myself with these felt I was reconnecting with an essential truth that had lay dormant inside of me. However, I still didn’t really understand the meaning of what I was feeling. I sensed I was meant to be doing something with this connection, but wasn’t sure what! I couldn’t find a physical outlet for what I was feeling in the intuitive realms. I’ve since learned this is really one of my problems. I’m always trying to ground information and experiences that can only be understood in the higher realms.

I studied Geology and Geography for literally a few weeks at University but hated it! I find elements of Science fascinating, especially Physics and Astronomy which explore the nature of the Universe. However, the experience of seriously studying Science at University is one that was constricting and depressing. I found the study cold and analytical, an approach that was out of alignment with the relationship I have with the Earth. My connection with the Earth is rich, emotive, nurturing and intuitive, like that you have with someone you love. After doing an extensive amount of bush walking, I started to notice that I could actually communicate with trees and animals. I would have telepathic communication, not through words but through feelings and sudden revelations, much like I described above. I often sat with trees and exchanged information. It was a healing experience for me and the trees. They would nurture and comfort me and I would intuitively sense issues they had and send healing. In particular, a lot of trees feel ignored, so simply paying attention and honouring their presence is healing for them. When I would go bush walking I would also sing, something I noted would bring animals out from hiding. We would sing together, with animals such as frogs ‘ribbiting’ along with me. I felt this amazing connection to all life at those moments.

On the night of the Sagittarius Full Moon my Mum, Jenny, did an Energy Healing session for me. It’s important to note that my Mum is an amazing energy healer, such that I would often have intense psychic experiences and huge emotional releases during my sessions. On this particular night, I could feel an immense, overwhelming amount of grief, pain and distress rising in my chest, the momentum of which was intense and sent me into uncontrollable tears. This was a feeling that was familiar to me. I had recently had similar experiences, the feeling often accompanied with brief flashes of images of animals, the ocean and the Earth. Seeing images wasn’t common for me. Instead, Jenny would often ‘see’ past life scenarios and images, while I would get feelings (I’m an Empath) and sudden revelations and information on the mental level.

Jenny saw me as a young indigenous boy; she wasn’t sure from what country. I had dark skin and thick feet. I had lost my family and was left completely alone to fend for myself. I couldn’t have been more than 12 years, although it was likely I was quite a bit younger than that. I was extremely connected to the Earth. Our culture was based on our wisdom and understanding of the Earth. It was our home. It was everything. I had a strong sense that my tribe had been killed and dispersed by the forceful arrival of invaders. There was a feeling of having lost my home. These new people disrespected the Earth in a way I couldn’t fathom. I had never been exposed to such destruction. Alone, incapable and defeated, I lay in between two trees, an energy centre that was held sacred and just died. There was nothing I could do. I was too young and inexperienced. Jenny saw a strong connection between my current life and this past life. It was important to release the pain I was feeling, as I had been carrying it around with me.

Mother Earth herself helped me to do this! As Jenny continued to work on me, I started to feel the Earths energy moving inside of me. She was healing me. As this was occurring, Jenny told me the energy at my heart chakra was amazingly intense. I told her I knew. I could feel my heart swelling with love. It was like nothing I had ever experienced. I was filled with her love, the purest, most high vibrational energy I had every encountered. I cried and cried, the frequency of her energy so high, I could barely stand it. It felt like electricity moving through my veins, every part of me sparking to life. It was overwhelmingly beautiful. Simultaneously, Jenny received instructions to pull some kind of energy/ download through me. As this occurred, I started receiving sudden insights, thoughts which simply popped into my head, but contained information foreign to myself. The Earth was communicating with me through thought. And with that I finally understood some essential elements about myself.

From what I could understand, I agreed before entering this life to hold a portion of the collective energy for the Earth. Basically, all the energy on this planet, the suffering and density has to be held and contained by the Earth. This was becoming a difficult process, as the negativity and destruction on this planet reached extreme levels. To remedy this situation and ensure a greater degree of stability, there are some people who have agreed to be anchors, acting as extensions from the Earth that hold and hopefully transmute the collective energy to lessen the burden.

I could feel her gratitude; she thanked me! But she told me it was time to let go of some of what I was holding onto- the collective pain, as well as the grief I’d carried around from my past life. I didn’t need to hold it anymore. She told me there was still work that needs to be done, but part of what I agreed to do has been achieved. I was blown away. It touched me on such a deep level. She told me ‘we’re going home’, words I heard in my head a few times over. At the same time Jenny told me she saw an airplane taking off, heading upwards towards the sky. The vibration on the planet had increased enough to allow the Earth to start ascending into higher dimensions. The Earth is not at home in the 3D. It is not her natural home. She holds an extremely high frequency and originally resided in a higher dimension. The collective suffering and activities of the beings on this planet led to her present heaviness. Now she’s ascending. She could have done it sooner, but she wanted to bring the human race with her, necessitating a collective vibrational increase and awakening.

I was told that a lot of the other planets in our solar system exist on much higher dimensions. This is consistent with other material I’ve read. For instance, I’ve come across information several times that suggests 7th dimensional beings exist on Venus. The Earth wants to reconnect with these other planets, reclaiming her natural place in the solar system. Prior to the session I had recently developed the ability to communicate and channel directly from the planets, rather than doing Astrology on a purely intellectual level. The planets are living beings. They have frequencies and personalities, and by connecting with them directly my Astrological insights were much richer, deeper and more insightful. The Earth told me that by connecting to these higher dimensional bodies, while staying grounded, I acted like a bridge between heaven and Earth, anchoring higher frequencies onto the planet. Once again she thanked me for this.

For years I felt like an absolute chaotic mess. I wanted to help the Earth, to heal the world (yes, I have big ambitions). But I felt I wasn’t contributing in anyway, stifling under my pain. I couldn’t hold down a job. I couldn’t look after myself. I hurt myself to cope with the immense pain I felt. I didn’t have the understanding of what was happening to me. It’s a relief to discover I was helping the Earth all along! I agreed to do something that was challenging. Perhaps I didn’t deal with it that gracefully, but I don’t know if that would have been possible. It was always going to be hard.

During the session Jenny also connected to beings which could only be described as the elements. They showed themselves as having faces, but they were definitely Fire, Water, Air and Earth. I asked if they had appeared for a reason, if they had something to share. Part of their intention was to simply make themselves known. Jenny also said they were thanking me! She was told I was a Goddess of the Moon. While I’m not exactly sure what that entails, I resonated with the expression. I’ve always felt extremely connected to the moon, and love the night. In fact, when I’m feeling overwhelmed I often stay up all night, until the early hours of the morning. I love going outside and basking in the moonlight.

Jenny also explained that there was a healing occurring on physical level, facilitated by these Earth being. I’ve suffered from a twisted and unstable pelvis since I was about 18, a condition I feel developed due to unusually high amounts of intense, aggressive exercise. Over time, this led to issues with my back, hips, knees and even shoulders. I was all out of alignment, which put pressure on my joints. This had been improving, and I felt significantly better at this stage, however if I wasn’t cautious enough while doing high impact exercise my pelvis would slip back out of alignment, sending me straight to the chiropractor. Jenny saw images of bones moving and resettling! After the healing session I went dancing for hours that night and I definitely felt the difference. I had more flexibility and stability, which allowed me to feel safe exploring a bigger range of motion. Since then I have had significantly less issues with muscle strains and chronic pain, as well as far fewer trips to the chiropractor.

This also had a lot to do with balancing the masculine and feminine elements within myself. When I was younger I use to be far too masculine, in the distorted manner so rampant in this society. I always had to be busy, in control, productive and achieving results. The excessive exercise accompanied this, as well an overuse of the intellect. I could never ‘let go’, rest, allow myself any nurturance or gentleness. This was extremely inauthentic and a destructive coping mechanism. In some ways it felt empowering. It never felt safe for me to be feminine, but by cutting this part of myself off I was denying some of my greatest strengths. I am a women after all! But I’m also extremely creative, emotive, intuitive and compassionate. I’ve kind of gone off track here, but I feel this is important to share, as many people in our society are struggling to find an authentic balance between the divine feminine and masculine. And unfortunately this will often manifest physically. Contact with the Earth really is the greatest remedy for this condition, as she reacquaints us with the divine feminine and mother energy, while restoring greater order and balance.

Now let’s get back on track! During the session Jenny also saw images to do with other past lives I’ve had here on Earth, while once again I experienced the associated emotions. It really was a huge clearing! Jenny saw images of me as a beautiful young woman with long black hair and fair skin. I was like a witchy pagan mixed with crazy alchemist. Jenny saw images of magical solutions radiating with power. In particular, I remember her mentioning a lightening blue formula. Everything looked really old and unfamiliar. I felt a sense of power and immense occult knowledge. I also sensed I was part of some kind of secret mystery school. Disturbingly, Jenny also saw a charming young male, someone I knew in that life, stabbing me straight in the stomach!! The weirdest element of this was the fact that I seemed to know he was about to do it and let him do it anyway. Perhaps, it was too late to do anything of real value as we were alone in a forest. As Jenny described the scene I was calm and felt a complete lack of resistance, a surrendering. I certainly wasn’t afraid of death. In fact, I almost embraced it, which on reflection feels kind of dark, but also liberating. To me the scenario felt similar to the hanging and burning of witches. I think I scared people and consequently they wanted me dead. I felt this man had turned on me once he got to know more about my true nature. Jenny did some healing around this.

Later, I recalled a time I was woken up at night by a woman hovering over my face who fit the description of my past life self exactly. I always get woken up by spirits while I’m half asleep, probably because it’s when I’m most receptive. Once I wake up properly it goes away, leaving me wondering if I was just dreaming or someone was really in my room. I’ve come to accept the latter as true. Anyway, on this occasion I feel this was my past life self-trying to communicate with me. Unknown to many people, our spirit guides are often aspects of ourselves from past and future lives. It’s a weird concept, but there’s no time in the higher realms, so essentially these parts of you are existing concurrently. When you think about it though, it does make a lot of sense. Who can understand you better than you?

In this session we also briefly explored a life I had as a Native American. I was really connected to animals in this life and appeared to be a shape shifter. My main guide is actually a male Native American. I’m sure there’s others, but he’s the only guide that I’m consistently aware of. He has a very strong presence and always seems to be the first to come forward. He’s always pushing me to have more confidence. I can always feel him behind me, asking me to stand tall. He doesn’t like it when I criticise myself or underestimate my power. I feel he knew me in this past life, when I embodied a warrior’s strength and endurance. He encourages me to draw on this energy. I’ve never seen him, but I can feel him. Jenny has seen an image of him and reports that he’s very strong and attractive!

I think that’s enough writing about past lives for now though! I’ve almost reached 3000 words. Plus, I actually haven’t had many lives on Earth compared to most people. My sense is you could count my earthly journeys on one or two hands. Most of my lives have been on other planets and in other solar systems. I’ve had this confirmed by several intuitives who could feel I was very new to the planet. Some couldn’t pick up on any past lives here on Earth, probably because there are so few compared to the thousands experienced by many people on the planet. I’ll talk more about lives on other planets and extra-terrestrials another time. For now, hopefully this has been interesting, informative and reassuring for those having similar experiences. Awakening from our collective amnesia to remember your soul history and higher truth can be overwhelming. In fact, it can make you feel like you’re crazy but it’s becoming more and more common as we heal past trauma and ascend to higher dimensions.

Me at 17. I always felt most content outdoors,

immersed in nature. : )

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