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The Gifts of Scorpio- Healing, Transformation and Sexuality

It’s the sign everyone’s interested in! Mysterious, deep, dark and dangerous! That’s Scorpio. But there’s a lot more to Scorpio than meets the eye. Admittedly, it’s one of my favourite signs, although I tend to say that about all the Zodiac signs at some point!

To begin, I’d like to clarify that Scorpio is NOT a bad ‘karmic’ sign. I’m sick of that nonsense. Just like any sign Scorpio has its good and bad qualities. I refer to these as the higher and lower octaves. Undeniably, Scorpio placements can lead one to experience their fair share of emotional pain when expressed at the lower octave. This is in part due to the fact that Scorpio is a fixed water sign, promoting stubbornness of emotions. It’s hard to let go of emotions, which is particularly painful as Scorpio does encourage one to feel more deeply compared to many of the other Zodiac signs. Ultimately, however, I feel like this emotional intensity is also ones of Scorpio’s greatest gifts. More than this, Scorpio energy is that of transformation. Someone with a lot of Scorpio or Pluto energy in their chart is not afraid to swim through the deep, dark murky waters of the psyche to confront their demons. The rewards for such an endeavour are huge! You can’t live a full life if you are unwilling to face your shadow. Neither can you live a full life if you’re unwilling to feel your emotions. A major problem with society right now is the inability to take the dark along with light.

Scorpio is also a sign of great power. Scorpio and Pluto endows people with powers of regeneration, transformation and transmutation. At its best, Scorpio energy can allow one to transmute darkness into light, to courageously venture where others are too afraid, giving them the ability to heal themselves, others and society. They are the ultimate Magicians, Shamans and Healers. They can sit with people at their most desperate moments, to meet them in their darkness, reach out their hand and guide them on their journey back to the light. Scorpio is also the Psychologist that doesn’t flinch when confronted with stories of abuse and the Emergency Worker that faces the devastation of death and destruction but bravely ventures forward. This is because Scorpio allows one to not fear pain or death, both metaphorical and literal, but see them as necessary steps in our path to transformation, merely a stage in a cycle.

The power of Scorpio can actually scare many people. This occurs not so much at a conscious level, but rather at a subconscious feeling level, as Scorpio’s intense magnetism both attracts and repels. Whether a person is ready for transformation and change, greatly influences the likelihood of them feeling the allure of Scorpio’s magnetic energy.

I personally believe Scorpio is the strongest sign, with determination and endurance that’s hard to match. Certainly, Scorpio has the willpower associated with the other fixed signs, the staying power of Taurus, Aquarius and Leo. However, their courage (and stubbornness) will always surpass that of the other fixed signs. Why? The answer lies in the nature of water signs, specifically the association they have with emotions. Emotions are powerful!

Taurus types (earth) are diligent, they move forward by embodying the steadfastness and rigour of the Earth itself. Aquarius (air) has a mind to behold, a focus of thought, a fixation on high ideals that keeps them strong when confronted with setbacks. And Leo (fire) a commitment to the heart energy, to excitement and passion, along with undying confidence that gives them the ability to hold their head high at the hardest of times. But there is nothing more powerful than emotions. Emotional intensity can keep you going when your body is tired, your mind is numb, your confidence destroyed and your heart is breaking. When all hope is lost, the only resource we have is our emotions. Emotions give us the strength to achieve the impossible. This is clear when people have lifted cars off their children in a moment of intense panic, their love and fear allowing them to achieve this massive feat. I am also reminded of the survival stories of those in the Holocaust. It was their emotional strength that got them through- not their physical power, intelligence or energy. This is why I think of Scorpio as the cockroach- you can never kill them. Their stubborn emotional intensity doesn’t allow it.

In a great many ways, I feel the archetype of Scorpio holds the understanding that is key for healing society at this time. As explained previously, it’s important that we face our shadow in order to transform and evolve. But Scorpio can help us heal and regenerate in more ways than confronting our pain. Scorpio also harnesses the power of sexuality as a means for healing, growth and even transcendence. Interested? How could you not be? After all sexuality is a large part of Scorpio’s appeal.

Most of us have been trapped, held back by fears and lies concerning our sexuality. I don’t normally like to point fingers or blame, but today I think I’m in mood! I’ve got my finger ready and gaze steadily aimed at most traditional religions… but really blame doesn’t achieve anything. It’s time to take self-responsibility.

The truth is your sexuality is like a doorway, a gateway to your higher self. Sexual energy is the most powerful force. When harnessed it can be used to manifest, create, transform and revitalise with the most profound and awe-inspiring intensity. Just stop for a second and consider what a miraculous feat it is to create a child. This is what sexual energy is capable of. When you’re at your most creative, notice too that the energy wave your riding isn’t all that dissimilar to sexual energy. Creative and sexual energy are both associated with the Sacral Chakra, an energy centre that is always balanced in those with a healthy relationship with manifestation.

Even more astounding is the realisation that when two people have sex, their energy fields unite and merge, replicating the sense of ‘oneness’ and connection we were accustomed to before incarnating into this life. This is why sex is generally a pleasurable experience- for many it’s the closest they’ll ever come to feeing unity consciousness while in their bodies.

Now back to Scorpio! Scorpio innately understands the regeneration and healing capacity inherent in sexual energy, further increasing their power. An essential requirement for people with strong Scorpio placements, however, is that their intimate relationships have depth and intense emotional connection. They understand that sex can be the gateway to elation and spiritual awakening when shared between people who have a deep, loving connection. They don’t like shallow sex. Although, shallowness is something they generally detest in all areas of life.

When out of balance, Scorpio is perhaps the most dark of all the Zodiac signs. The power inherent in Scorpio energy can be used to control and manipulate instead of transform. Sexuality can be used as a weapon rather than a gift. The darkness can consume them as they continually absorb others suffering without transmuting it into joy. They can drown in a sea of pain, too scared to open themselves up, too frightened to be vulnerable. They can chase power in the outside world, often by assuming positons of authority or undermining others, rather than recognising that the power they so desperately crave has always been within. Or alternatively allow themselves to be a victim of others abuse, often feeling swallowed and consumed by their relationships, confused about the line between pain and love. Worse than that, their fascination with death can override their interest in life, leading to immense pain and self-destructive behaviour. All of this is true. But I think it’s time we stopped over identifying with the lower octave qualities of Scorpio and recognise the gifts this energy has to offer everyone on the planet at this time.

Demi Moore Jeff Buckley

Sun, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mercury, Venus,

and Neptune in Scorpio Neptune, South Node

and IC in Scorpio

Demi Moore- Sun, Mercury, Venus and Neptune in Scorpio

Jeff Buckley- Sun, Mercury, Venus and Neptune in Scorpio

Leonardo DiCaprio

Sun, Venus and Mars

in Scorpio

Leonardo DiCaprio- Sun, Venus and Mars in Scorpio

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