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Life Purpose/Numerology/ Astrology/ Tarot


Life Purpose Reading


This comprehensive reading is perfect for people wishing to receive in-depth guidance about their purpose on Earth. Integrating the ancient, universal sciences of Astrology, Numerology and Tarot, you will learn about your life purpose, soul destiny, talents, deepest needs and desires, as well as develop insight into the challenges you've experienced. This reading is also ideal for people wishing to understand the opportunities emerging in their life, leading to a deeper sense of security, peace and purpose. 


1.5 hours- $110



Numerology Reading


Numerology is a system that analyses the numbers in your date of birth. These numbers reflect events in your life, your personality, desires, needs, and most importantly, life lessons.  A numerology reading will give you greater self-awareness, insight into your future and increased perspective in regards to your past.


30 minutes- $45



Astrology Reading


Astrology is an incredibly complex, yet amazingly precise science that considers the placement of planets, stars and asteroids at the time of your birth. The complexity of the system reflects the intricate nature of human beings, revealing the depth of the psyche as well as external personality, talents, and goals. This is perfect for people who are ready to understand, embrace and integrate all the aspects of themselves in order to live a life of authenticity and self-enlightenment. Astrology is also useful in predicting upcoming cycles in your life, allowing you to maximise your potential. 


30 minutes- $45

45 minutes- $65



Relationship Reading


This reading is ideal for people wanting to develop deeper intimacy and understanding within a romantic relationship. It can also be helpful in family or business relationships. The reading includes in-depth analysis of the Astrology and Numerology charts of two people, focusing on comparing the needs, desires, personality, life lessons and life purpose of each person. This can help you develop a greater appreciation and understanding of your partner’s needs, as well as acknowledge your own needs and tendencies within relationships. In particular, this reading is great for couples wishing to handle conflict in a more effective and enlightened manner. While the reading can be done for one person to understand their relationship better, it is also wonderful when both partners can attend the session together.


1.5 hours- $110



Tarot Reading


Card Reading is a method that has been used for centuries across the word in order to develop insight about the issues we are facing in our lives. Most people associate Tarot Card Reading with fortune telling. While the Tarot is useful in showing us where our current path is heading, it is more useful when approached with the understanding that the cards only reveal the future you are manifesting at the time of your enquiry. The future can be changed if desired, which is incredibly empowering! Alana uses Tarot to help you proactively take control of your destiny, as well as deal with current issues in a balanced and gracious manner.


15 minutes- $25

30 minutes- $45

45 minutes- $65



Multiple Charts

Want to understand all your friends and family members better?

Whenever you purchase a Life Purpose Reading you can add a brief analysis of the Numerology and Astrology Chart for children, friends, partners and even pets for an extra $20 per person. This is great for people wanting to increase their understanding of their family and the influence those around them have in helping them learn their life lessons. Please allow an extra 20 minutes for each additional chart you wish to include.


Phone Readings

All of the above readings can be done over the phone if you don't live in the area or would prefer to stay in the comfort of your home. To organise a phone reading, send a message via the Enquiry form on the Contact Page, including the reading you would like to purchase, your email address, your phone number and preferred times.


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