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Numerologist/Tarot Reader/Astrologist


Alana has fostered a deep interest in spirituality from childhood.  As a young girl she often saw spirits and spent much of her time playing with spirit children and animals. Alana is also a born empath and has the ability to feel the emotions and energy signature of people, animals, plants and the Earth. Coming from a long line of gypsies, she started learning to read the Tarot as a teenager.


She later became incredibly passionate about Numerology as she discovered that the universe is based on patterns revealed within numbers. She loves discovering the lessons people have chosen to learn on Earth by analysing their unique Numerological Chart.


Her intense fascination with universal energy and the human psyche have also led her to study Astrology. Astrology is a precise, in-depth system that reveals ones gifts, personality, psychology, life lessons and upcoming cycles. Alana loves the way Astrology reflects the complex and multifaceted aspects of each individual, allowing for the full exploration of ones gifts.


Alana specialises in Life Purpose Readings, which help people discover their soul purpose and ideal career path, relationship and lifestyle, as well as strategies for combating obstacles and challenges. She can also make future predictions about cycles coming up in your life so you can maximise your potential.


Alana’s ability to communicate with the Earth has also blessed her with a profound understanding and appreciation of the natural world. She encourages people to reconnect with the Earth, emphasising the healing, regeneration and transformation that occur when humans live in harmony with nature.


Alana is compassionate, empathetic and sensitive. She deals with people in a gentle and positive way, assisting in the development of self-love and acceptance. She is insightful, wise and intelligent, combining her sharp analytical skills with spiritual knowledge to provide advice. Her main aim is to help people feel empowered and united, such that society can collectively increase the vibration of the planet.


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