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Regain your



Life isn't always easy! We all go through struggles and challenges and at times it can be incredibly hard to gain perspective. We lose confidence in ourselves, doubt our purpose in life and give away our power, allowing life to simply pass us by.


A reading with Alana will give you an understanding of the unique lessons you have come to Earth to learn. With increased insight, clarity and a deeper sense of trust in your individual path, you will be able to tackle problems with a renewed sense of confidence!


Your Greatest Self.


We are all born with special gifts, talents and a unique soul purpose. During life we often lose touch with our deepest desires and greatest gifts, as we attempt to conform to please others. We play it small. We forget who we really are. And over time lose faith in ourselves.


It's time for you to shine! Alana can help you discover your greatest gifts and become reacquainted with the wonderfully talented individual that you are! Learn to live a life of passion and authenticity!




Many people make the mistake of assuming they are not in control of their life, that external events or a greater power governs whether they encounter misery or happiness. This couldn't be further from the truth!


You are God! We all are! Every single creature on this planet is an extension of universal energy, and thus capable of creating their own reality. You are more powerful than you think!


Yes, it's true we all have a unique blueprint, a set of personality traits and talents, and soul lessons. However, it is entirely up to you to decide how you will utilize your vast potential. Exciting isn't it? And maybe a little scary?


Not to worry! You're completely surrounded by love and supported by Angels, Spirit Guides and Ancestors in the Spirit world. And it's very hard to stay out of alignment with your soul purpose forever! Even if you feel 'off track', I can guarantee you're learning important lessons. Eventually you'll step in the direction of your true soul desire.


But why wait any longer! Reclaim your power and take your life back today! Ask Alana how she can help you start moving in the direction of your highest potential.


stop suffering


Most of us know what we need to do in order to improve our lives. Look after our health. Get a new job. Choose better partners and friends. Sound familiar? We all have desires. We all have goals. Our souls needs constant expansion.


Unfortunately, we often spend more time thinking about are desires than actually taking the action steps required. We feel stuck, unable to move forward, often berating ourselves and suffering from constant guilt. Many people employ distraction tactics, sometimes unknowingly, to numb the pain. We watch TV, eat, drink and use drugs to avoid our problems. And the cycle continues!


It's time to break free! Stop feeling the pain of acting in conflict with your needs and desires! Stop distracting yourself. And start living!


The problem is most people don't understand their behavior. They don't know why they can't move forward with sheer willpower. They give themselves labels like lazy or failure. This is unfair!


Your problems are often symptoms of deeper emotional issues and unresolved lessons.


Alana can help you find the deeper reasons for your problems in life. Don't allow yourself to be held back any longer! Unleash your true potential!




Alana Sheldon



Tarot Reader


I recommend these readings to absolutely everyone! I cannot emphasise enough how valuable the information, understanding, clarity and guidance that is received from these readings can be. To be given this level of understanding of oneself, including past, present circumstances, relationships and future potential, is an amazing gift!




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